Monday 8 December 2014

Lucky no 4!!!

It's been ages since I've stepped on a weighing scale...
Maybe cause I don't own one or maybe cause I'm in denial of finding out my real numbers!!! Haha...
So we were at a friend's place and so happen a digital weighing scale was right smack in front of me calling my name... I had the urge to weigh skyler and sienna as this mummy wanted to know how much baby Skye has grown... And oh my, he's a whooping 8.4kg now... Baby Si at 11.5kg...
But in order for me to weigh baby Skye, I needed to weigh myself first and then do the subtraction...
And that's when the lucky no 4 came into the picture...
(On a side note: in Chinese, no 4 means "die" which symbolizes bad luck)
But oh boy was I happy to see the 4...
I thought I wouldn't see a 4 EVER again since my wedding day!!! 
But voila, cheers to being in the 40's!!! More like high 40's...hahahaha... 
(Reminder: talking about my weight not my age OKAY???)

They say you'll only look your best during ur wedding day... For my case, yeah cause I did DIET and EXERCISE to dropped all my FATS I gained living in the US!!! 
But this time round, DIET AND EXERCISE were out of the window... It's the total opposite...
I'm eating and snacking NONSTOP even at midnight (while blogging this)!!! 
I'm constantly hungry and looking for food...
Being in Singapore sure is a good thing as there's way too many food options here!!!
The only exercise I get are from doing house chores and carrying my babies...and the occasionally once a blue moon, we go for walks/runs at the canal nearby (just to feel "healthier") ...LOLs...

Well, I'm sure you wanna know the secret to this right... ???
It's all thanks to the power of (.)(.)feeding!!!
So HAPPY BREASTFEEDING... Especially to all the new mummies out there... :) "gambateh!!!"
It's HARD WORK but so WORTH IT...
With baby Si, it was every 2 hrs on the dot!!! 24/7...
With baby Skye, at first it was unbelievable...sleeping through the night since day 1... But sadly, the sleeping thru the night didn't last long and now he wakes up a few times at night :( but better than baby Si (every 2 hrs!!!) 

I wished I took more pics of nursing baby Si in public... Sadly, I only took a few as this mummy was too shy to (.)(.)feed in public as a 1st time mum... 
But 2nd time round, and a pro to (.)(.)feeding in public (although Skyler doesn't behave well under the covers), I managed to capture a whole lot... :)

Just sharing a few of our wedding day pics (27th dec 2008)...
as our 6th year wedding anniversary (and 9 years of togetherness) is coming up soon!!!
Has it been 6yrs already??? Geeeshhhh... Time flies doesn't it...
Love u mr. Hubby!!! Thanks for sticking with me all these years... Hahahaha....
Can't ask for a better partner...God has indeed blessed me with a beautiful family...thank you Jesus!

Bonding time with baby Si :)

Bonding time with baby Skyler :)

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